Thursday, 18 June 2015

Micellar Water

Recently I've heard a lot of people talking about Micellar Water. It's not a product I'd ever heard of before but at the moment it's absolutely everywhere!

I've been using it for about two weeks now and I'm really noticing a difference in my skin! My skin is naturally quite dry and sensitive, and it's nice that it doesn't get at all irritated by this Micellar water by Garnier. I also have quite rosy cheeks naturally which I'm not a fan of on myself, a lot of people find them cute but I've never liked having them. I've noticed that using this seems to have toned them down a bit! Result!

Before I started using micellar water to remove my make up I usually used just baby wipes. Thinking back to it I don't think they actually took all my make-up off and I'm not sure they really benefited my skin at all. I bought this Micellar water from boots for just £4.19 (although I believe it's currently on offer for £2.79 in there!) which I think is a bargain. The bottle says that it will last 200 uses so I don't think you can say no to this!

Let me know if you've been using this product and if so, how you've been finding it, and if you haven't used it before, I'd definitely recommend it! Let me know how you get on!


  1. I've been using that Garnier Micellar Water for about a year now and I love it!
    It definitely works really well at taking my makeup off and it so much kinder to my skin than a face wipe :)

    The Everyday Life of Rachel

    1. I completely agree!! I just wish I'd discovered it earlier!! :) xx

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