Thursday, 11 June 2015

Latest Charity Shop Finds!

Hey everyone!
Just a really quick post about my latest charity shop finds!
Its been a while since I last blogged about charity shopping, but that doesn't mean I've stopped visiting them!

My latest find was this really warm coat. I really like the colour and the vintage style and I couldn't believe that it was labelled as only £2.50! I was even more surprised when I realised this was crossed out and it was actually just £1!
I was so happy with my find, and then we realised all clothing in this shop was buy one get one free, which meant that two coats would be £1, it kept on getting better! I already have a bit of an excessive coat collection so I definitely didn't need two new ones, so my boyfriend picked up a vintage topshop blazer.

My coat is a bit too big on me and has massive shoulder pads in it. The first thing I'll do will be to take them out and hopefully that'll make it nicely oversized on me. (I think I look silly with shoulder pads on as I'm quite petite and they don't flatter me at all.)

I also picked up some lovely fabric. I don't know the exact measurements but it's definitely over a metre. I love how vibrant it is and the contrast of the print against the background. I'm not too sure what I'll make with it yet but let me know if you have any suggestions!

I hope You've enjoyed reading about my bargains! I'm sure I'll be posting a lot more of them now that summer is here!

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