Thursday, 18 June 2015

Micellar Water

Recently I've heard a lot of people talking about Micellar Water. It's not a product I'd ever heard of before but at the moment it's absolutely everywhere!

I've been using it for about two weeks now and I'm really noticing a difference in my skin! My skin is naturally quite dry and sensitive, and it's nice that it doesn't get at all irritated by this Micellar water by Garnier. I also have quite rosy cheeks naturally which I'm not a fan of on myself, a lot of people find them cute but I've never liked having them. I've noticed that using this seems to have toned them down a bit! Result!

Before I started using micellar water to remove my make up I usually used just baby wipes. Thinking back to it I don't think they actually took all my make-up off and I'm not sure they really benefited my skin at all. I bought this Micellar water from boots for just £4.19 (although I believe it's currently on offer for £2.79 in there!) which I think is a bargain. The bottle says that it will last 200 uses so I don't think you can say no to this!

Let me know if you've been using this product and if so, how you've been finding it, and if you haven't used it before, I'd definitely recommend it! Let me know how you get on!

Thursday, 11 June 2015

Latest Charity Shop Finds!

Hey everyone!
Just a really quick post about my latest charity shop finds!
Its been a while since I last blogged about charity shopping, but that doesn't mean I've stopped visiting them!

My latest find was this really warm coat. I really like the colour and the vintage style and I couldn't believe that it was labelled as only £2.50! I was even more surprised when I realised this was crossed out and it was actually just £1!
I was so happy with my find, and then we realised all clothing in this shop was buy one get one free, which meant that two coats would be £1, it kept on getting better! I already have a bit of an excessive coat collection so I definitely didn't need two new ones, so my boyfriend picked up a vintage topshop blazer.

My coat is a bit too big on me and has massive shoulder pads in it. The first thing I'll do will be to take them out and hopefully that'll make it nicely oversized on me. (I think I look silly with shoulder pads on as I'm quite petite and they don't flatter me at all.)

I also picked up some lovely fabric. I don't know the exact measurements but it's definitely over a metre. I love how vibrant it is and the contrast of the print against the background. I'm not too sure what I'll make with it yet but let me know if you have any suggestions!

I hope You've enjoyed reading about my bargains! I'm sure I'll be posting a lot more of them now that summer is here!

Primark Haul!

Hi Everyone!
I thought I'd share some bits I've bought recently in Primark! I didn't buy everything from this haul in one trip, but they have been picked up over the last month or so (and some bits were as recently as yesterday) so I'd like to think they'd still be available if this post tempts you to anything!

Dip Hem Skirt - £10
I love the print and the colours on this skirt, and the fabric is so soft, which means it's really comfy! I think it'd look really nice at a festival (although maybe not if you're the same height as me because mine touches the floor and it might get muddy.) I own quite a lot of dip hem skirts and I always get excited to wear them as soon as the sun comes out.

Layered Ruffle Top - £6
This top is actually the same as the top I featured in my Summer Wishlist last month! The one I featured was from Miss Selfridge and was £20, so how could I say no to this Primark one for £6? They also had other colours so I may have to get some more! Again the fabric is really comfy and I really like it with the dip hem skirt! I've had quite a few compliments about this top!

Pastel, Printed, Pleated Skirt - £10
I didn't know what caption to give this one but I think that probably describes it quite well! I completely fell in love with this skirt as soon as I saw it! I love everything about it. The colours, the length, the print and the pleats! When the skirt is on it hangs really nicely and I love the way it moves when I walk! I was so surprised to see that it was only £10 so I just had to have it.

Vintage Style Heeled Sandals - £12
As you probably all know by now, I am a massive fan of vintage fashion, and I thought these sandals had something really vintage about them. I had been looking for a pair of slightly higher sandals for a while to wear with my maxi skirts and my jumpsuit as I'm quite petite, and when I found these I thought they were perfect. They look really nice on and the chunky heel makes them really comfortable! I haven't gone a day without wearing them since buying them! Ooops!

 Loose Fitting Printed Dresses - £2
Again I didn't know what to title these as they are more shapely than a shift dress, but less so than a skater dress- I guess they're somewhere in between. I'm not usually a fan of this style dress on me, but I tried these on before I bought them and changed my mind! The shape is really flattering and i really like the prints. I'd say the fabric is a little heavy for hot days but how could I say no when they were only £2!? I think they'll look nice on less sunny days or even with wooly tights and Chelsea boots in the winter.

Mini Wellies -£3
I bought a studded pair of these a few years ago from Primark for about £10 (they might have been more but I can't remember) and I wore them to absolute death. Some of the studs had fallen off, they were majorly scuffed, but the end came when the soles split and they started letting water in (which kind of defeats the point of wellies.) I was so upset, but I did get a few winters out of them so I can't really complain! This pair are pretty much the same but the detailing is a pretty bow on the side, rather than studs all around the top. I'm so excited to own another pair even though it isn't the right season for them yet. That's probably why they were only £3!!! Anyone who doesn't own a pair should definitely invest in some! They're perfect on rainy days and when it's cold outside they even fit fluffy socks inside them! SO snug!

Pearl Necklace- £1
Everyone loves pearls don't they? I think pearl necklaces can be worn with any outfit at any time of the year. This one was only £1 and it's the perfect length for me


I hope you've all enjoyed reading my primark haul! - Let me know if you've managed to find any bargains recently in Primark!