Saturday, 16 May 2015

21st Birthday!

Hey everyone! Once again this is a bit of a late post but I have finally finished my second year of uni so now I have the summer free to blog some more!

On March the 22nd I celebrated my 21st birthday and it was the best one yet! I'm not a massive fan of clubbing so me and my course-mates decided I should have a vintage themed tea party during the day, and as my Birthday fell on a Sunday this seemed like a perfect idea, and it was an excuse for me to make a dress!

My day started with my parents and my doggy driving down to my uni house in Portsmouth to give me my cards and presents and to take me out for birthday breakfast, even though I had my hair up in Velcro rollers. They got me the most beautiful ring and it was so lovely to see them! After breakfast they helped me to set up the house and put my cards and all the bunting up! Meanwhile my house-mates surprised me with loads of balloons that they'd spent the whole morning blowing up, and some tissue paper tassels They'd made me! I was already feeling spoilt!

When my friends arrived I was even more spoilt! I was surprised with helium balloons and they sung Happy Birthday to me with home-made bread rolls in the shape of dogs and rabbits which they'd put candles in! (I'm not the biggest fan of cake) apparently they carried the rolls straight past me earlier that day and I was completely oblivious! They also got me a really sparkly broach which looks perfect on my fur jacket, and some champagne! The day carried on and we brought lots of snacks out to the garden for a mini picnic and then played pin the Oscar on Leonardo. It was so lovely to see everyone dressed up vintage especially for me, as I know it's not everyone's cup of tea.

 I was still on such a high after everyone left, and I said to my house-mate, Isabelle that the only thing that would have topped of the whole day is if my boyfriend had been able to make it. (We are long distance so we don't get to see each other as much as we'd like to) but we had planned a skype call for that evening anyway so I was happy and I couldn't wait to show him everything from that day. We all had a big deadline coming up a couple of days later so I thought our skype would provide a nice break from the all-nighter Isabelle and I had planned for that night. The time for the call came round and he looked like he was outdoors as it was really dark and I was so confused... I asked where on earth he was and he didn't say anything, he just turned around and I saw my front door behind him!! He was outside! Best surprise ever!

I had the best 21st birthday and it still makes me so excited to think back on it!

A close up of the floral shirt dress I made to wear for the occasion. Even though I ended up doing a change of outfit half way through.

Me and one of my helium balloons (which are still floating almost two months later) after my change of outfit.

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