Wednesday, 11 March 2015


Hey Everyone!

I know I vanished off the face of the planet for a while (Well, blog-planet) but I am back now and I promise not to vanish again! A lot has happened since 2013 (which was the last time I blogged- sorry!) I guess the biggest thing was me starting Uni!

I moved to Portsmouth in September of 2013 to study Fashion and Textile design, and I am now in my second year! I love my course because I am lucky enough to study both fashion and textiles instead of choosing between them! I've met lots of cool people and I've really got to know myself since living away from home.

I like to think that my sewing skills have improved since the beginning of my course and I would really like to start sharing some of the things I make with you guys. As well as posting all my usual charity shop and Ebay fashion bargains! (Which there have been plenty of since my disappearance) 

Here are just a few photos from my time in Portsmouth over the past year and a half!

Me and My Doggy down by the sea.

Firework night by Spinnaker Tower! 

Me and My housemate, Isabelle, with a real life palm tree!

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