Friday, 1 March 2013

Todays Bargains!

Today I managed to find a little bit of time to go shopping after a very hectic month of work work work! I can't lie, I've been a bit dissapointed with the range of clothes that are in the shops at the moment as i feel like all the main shops are selling pretty much the same things! However, I did manage to find a couple of really good bargains!

My first item was a red floral dip-hem skirt from Primark. It is a combination of lots of my favourite things all mixed into one! I love to wear red, as I am very pale and I think red works well with my skin tone, I also love the floral print on it and it think this will be lovely through the coming spring months or on a summers day. The dip-hem style is one that I am still a fan of because I love the way it can be dressed both up and down, but most of all I loved the price! I found this little beauty on a sale rail which said everything on it was reduced from £10 down to £5, you can only imagine how delighted i was when i got to the till to find out it was only £2!! I thought she must have got it wrong but I didn't want to question it! I still can't believe how bargainous it was as it came with a belt and everything! (And a very nice belt I must say!)

The second purchase of the day happened in H&M. I rarely find anything amazing in H&M so I generally don't go in there, but today I was summoned by the massive SALE SALE SALE signs hanging everywhere. As I searched the rails for something I liked, I stumbled across these babies (Yes I literally fell over them.) All I could see at this point was some lovely platformed boots (much like ones I've been watching on eBay for a while but have been too stingy to buy) with a big red £7 sicker stuck on them, I couldn't believe that they could really be this price, and I said to my sister that if the price was true and they were in my size then it must be a sign and I had to buy them, especially since I had actually tripped over them! (I have a massive shoe-buying problem and i always convince myself that if shoes are on sale in my size that I have to buy them, because size 3 or 4 shoes on sale is rare!) and would you believe they were a size 4! I really love the high platform at the front and the mirrored plate on the heel! I can't wait to wear these out and the high platform and chunky heel make them really comfortable!

What do you all think of my bargains? I'd love to know any amazing deals you've picked up recently! 


  1. OMG LEAAAAAAAAAH them boooots!!! so jel!!

  2. I know! I can't get over the price!!!! xxxx

  3. amazing buys! I'm not usually a fan of Primark, but that skirt is gorgeous! xx

    1. Thank you! I've been really disappointed with their stuff recently but i fell in love with the skirt! (Especially the price)it's lovely material as well :)

    2. I have nominated you for the Leibster award! You can find out more here: xx

  4. Nice boots :)


    Coline ♡

  5. I'm so glad you liked the post.thanks ..


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