Wednesday, 27 March 2013

Interview Outfit

Just a quick post to show you all what I wore to my Ravensbourne interview today. I'm applying to do a fashion design course so I wanted to make sure my outfit stood out a little bit! (I'll apologise now for the really awful quality of the photos, as you can imagine i was in a big rush before the interview so i asked my mum to quickly take some photos of me on my phone! Sorry!)

I decided to wear a black lace midi length dress as I thought it would look quite professional for my interview, this dress was my latest purchase from a local charity shop. The lace is quite a unique design and I love the scalloped edges on the sleeves and hem (You can't see it too well in my photos, sorry!) I teamed it with a pair of platformed Chelsea boots from h&m (see earlier post) to add something more current into my outfit.  

I kept to the black theme by adding one of my favourite black Jackets which  got for an absolute bargain in Primark a couple of years ago, only £10 on sale! (I changed the buttons on it to give it my own  unique twist, which only cost me a few pounds more!)

I wore my hair up in a bun using a hair donut with a bow tie around it to make it a bit more exciting, and my makeup was quite neutral as I didn't want to look as though I was heading for a night out! I kept makeup minimal apart from blended shades of gold eye shaddow on my eye lids.

Have any of you had any interviews? Hope they go/are going well for you!


  1. I love this lace dress! Your look is perfect for a creative interview. I see girls interviewing in short, bodycon skirts all the time and I just shudder; someone should've told them to cover up!


    1. Awhh thank you so much! I felt a bit out of place when everyone else turned up in jeans and baggy jumpers though! hahaha xxxx

  2. love your blog

  3. beautiful dress for an interview gorgeous yet sober.... :)
