Tuesday, 28 July 2015

Latest Lush Finds and Reviews

Hello Everyone,
I thought I'd do a quick little post about the latest bits I've picked up in Lush. This isn't going to be the biggest haul, so please don't be disappointed if you're expecting to see lots of things.

The first bath bomb I picked up was the 'melting marshmallow moment'. I love this bath bomb sooooo much as it just smells amazing. It was sat in my room for ages before I got the chance to use it, and it made my whole room smell so nice! I almost wanted to keep it there! This bath bomb made the bath water feel really soft and creamy on my skin (I hope that makes sense) and it didn't irritate my skin, in fact my skin felt really nice and when I got out of the bath, even before I moisturised.

The second bath bomb I picked up was the 'Honey Bee - Bath ballistic' which was the one that used to come inside Mr Bumble, if anyone  remembers him? I'm writing this as I'm on holiday so I'm not able to take a photo of him at the moment, but let me know if anyone really wants to see a photo and I'll upload one once I'm home! The Honey Bee bath bomb smelt really sweet but in a nice subtle way, it has a really homely comforting smell if that makes sense, I really liked how it smelt and felt on my skin, but I must admit, it felt a little strange getting into yellow bath water! I didn't find that the scent really lasted very well on my skin, but it did feel lovely and soft for ages afterwards. I probably would get this bath bomb again, but part of me thinks that this is because I can just picture Mr. Bumbles happy face smiling at me. The biggest downside to this bath bomb, was I found it left a lot of brown sandy stuff at the bottom of the bath tub, which didn't look too pleasant (especially when it was combined with the yellow water.)

Another little bit I picked up was the 'Tiny Hands' hand moisturiser. It basically looks like a little bar of soap and it is meant to be used the same way, just minus the water. I actually bought this for my boyfriend, so I can't really give an opinion on it, but it seems to work quite well! His hands are softer and he seems to like it! I did ask him to give me a word to describe it and all I got from him was "handy" (not funny.) It smells like insense which I didn't expect.

Finally, I picked up some of the lush, bubblegum flavoured lip scrub. Unfortunately I haven't been able to get a photo of this, but you can just Google it if you're curious, there's no shortage of reviews on this product! I absolutely love this stuff! I've been really suffering with dry lips recently and lip balm hasn't really been doing the job, so that's why I decided to give this a go. It's basically just sugar really (well, that's what it feels and smells like) It works by taking off all the dead and dry skin, which is scrubbed off as you rub in the product. The sugar granules are quite sharp and hard, so if you give this a go then please do be careful that you don't end up taking too much skin off! After using it I usually end up licking the whole lot off! I don't know if that's what you're meant to do but it tastes too good not to! I'd definitely recommend using this lip scrub but definitely invest in a good lip balm to use alongside it. 

I hope you've enjoyed this little lush haul! Feel free to recommend me any other lush bits and I'l give them a go and do another review! (If you've liked this one enough that is, haha) 

I'll be posting a review on some budget waterproof makeup at some point this week too (Underwater selfies included) so keep your eyes peeled for that! 

I hope you're all well! :)


  1. Ou, this gave me some ideas! I'm going into a city for a shopping trip and Lush is definitely on my list! The Marshmallow Moment sounds incredible! And I had forgotten about their lip scrubs, I've been wanting a scrub for awhile :)


  2. ahh i'm so glad it was helpful! yeah definitely give the lip scrubs a go but try not to eat it al! (I struggle to restrain myself each time I use it haha) Have a lovely shopping trip :) Let me know what lush goodies you pick up!

  3. I really need to buy some lush products ♥ because they seem to be doing you alot of justice :)

    Nique xo

    1. It's seriously so addictive!!! I only ever mean to buy one thing and leave with loads!! :)

  4. Great review, I really need to take a trip to lush!

    Sonam - http://fashtasticflare.blogspot.co.uk/

    1. awhh thank you lovely! I need to calm my visits down a bit! I'm going too often for someone who will be back to student budgets in a months time! ahaha xxxx

    2. ahaha, you can never go wrong buying lush products! xxx

  5. Honey bee is one of my favourites! Though I'm always sceptical about a yellow bath haha. I definitely want to try the marshmallow one now though :)

    Sarah- http://sarahchesterr.blogspot.co.uk/

    1. ahaha thats exactly what I thought! Especially with the brown sandy stuff too! Please tell me that happens to you as well? yess you'll love the marshmallow one :) Let me know how you get on with it! xxx

  6. The Honey bee bath bomb has a lovely smell - as you mentioned, it's very comforting.
    Great post, I love a good lush haul!
    Elle xx :)

    1. Awhh thank you for such a lovely comment! I'm glad you agree about the Honey bee bath bomb! :)

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