Wednesday, 27 March 2013

Interview Outfit

Just a quick post to show you all what I wore to my Ravensbourne interview today. I'm applying to do a fashion design course so I wanted to make sure my outfit stood out a little bit! (I'll apologise now for the really awful quality of the photos, as you can imagine i was in a big rush before the interview so i asked my mum to quickly take some photos of me on my phone! Sorry!)

I decided to wear a black lace midi length dress as I thought it would look quite professional for my interview, this dress was my latest purchase from a local charity shop. The lace is quite a unique design and I love the scalloped edges on the sleeves and hem (You can't see it too well in my photos, sorry!) I teamed it with a pair of platformed Chelsea boots from h&m (see earlier post) to add something more current into my outfit.  

I kept to the black theme by adding one of my favourite black Jackets which  got for an absolute bargain in Primark a couple of years ago, only £10 on sale! (I changed the buttons on it to give it my own  unique twist, which only cost me a few pounds more!)

I wore my hair up in a bun using a hair donut with a bow tie around it to make it a bit more exciting, and my makeup was quite neutral as I didn't want to look as though I was heading for a night out! I kept makeup minimal apart from blended shades of gold eye shaddow on my eye lids.

Have any of you had any interviews? Hope they go/are going well for you!

Tuesday, 19 March 2013

The Liebster award!

I have been nominated for the Liebster award for the first time! After some research into what this means I discovered that The Liebster award is given to up and coming bloggers who have less than 200 followers. (In case anyone was wondering 'Liebster' is German and means dearest.)

Upon being nominated, you are asked to do the following;
1. Tell 11 things about yourself.
2. Answer 11 Questions asked by the nominating blogger.
3. Nominate 11 new bloggers with less than 200 followers.
4. Ask 11 questions to the bloggers you nominated.
5. Inform the bloggers you chose.

I was nominated by (Everyone check out her blog!)

Okay, here we go!

11 Things about me

1. I am 5"2 and a half (the extra half is very important!)
2. I am a size 3 to 4 foot, and I tend to buy any shoes I see on sale in my size, as I've managed to convince myself that 'its a sign' that i must own them. (mental)
3. I have incredibly bendy fingers which really freak people out. (I can bend them backwards to touch my hand)
4. I am currently studying a Fashion Foundation year at Ravesbourne, and I want to go on to do a degree in Fashion design.
5. I'm really bad at watching films! A lot of people get really shocked at the lack of films I've seen!
6. I'm incredibly clumsy. I fall over and break almost everything!
7. I really like to learn things from people, like when people start to share things about something they're really interested in. Not only is it interesting, but I like that people want to share their interests with me!
8. I'm quite a fussy eater, but recently I've got much better, I've been really trying!
9. I am capable of pulling the strangest faces.
10. I seem to attract strange situations that people can never believe are real!
11. I have an obsession with pillows, and I currently sleep with ten of them. 

The 11 questions I was asked are:

1. What is your most recent purchase?
    The boots and skirt I previously blogged about.

2.Makeup, hair or nails?
   Definitely makeup! I rarely have my nails painted as it chips off within minutes, and I don't mind having my hair scraped back into a ponytail as long as my makeup is done!

3. Where do you shop most often?
    Charity shops and eBay, I'm a massive bargain hunter. (Although I do go to all the usual shops too.)

4. Most embarrassing moment?
    Oh gosh, where do I start! The first thing that comes to mind is, I once fell over on stage in a dance show, with the whole school watching! (I was in a very visible place on the stage so i was definitely seen!)

5. What is your number one life ambition?
    I don't usually like to think to far ahead, but I'd really like to have a job that I love and doesn't stress me out or make me worry too much. (I'm a massive worrier and get really stressed quite easily so it'd be nice to be able to stop that!)

6. Is your wardrobe organised?
    Yes! It used to be in colour order, but I'm not quite that organised anymore, however I do know exactly where everything is!

7. What is your favourite beauty product?
    Dry Shampoo! I can't live without it, not only does it make your hair cleaner but it adds volume and helps my hair stay in place a bit more! i use it all the time, even if my hair is freshly washed.

8. Fashion crushes?
   Ooh this is a tough one! I can't really say I have one but I absolutely love everything Katy Perry wears in her video for Thinking of You. I wish i could buy every single one of the outfits!

9. What is your favourite album?
    Again, I don't really have one! I go through phases of liking an album and then I listen to it so much I end up hating it! (I don't know if that's normal)

10. What first attracted you to blogging?
      I found that a lot of people I knew were complimenting my outfits and were really interested in some of the bargains I had picked up and i wanted to share my finds and opinions with more people!

11. Is there a current trend you dislike?
       I'm not the biggest fan of studs anymore, don't get me wrong, they can look nice on some things, but I think the phase has been around for far too long now and I feel like they're making an appearance on way too many things!

My 11 Questions!

1. What first made you want to blog?
2. What is your favorite piece of clothing and why?

3. What is your proudest moment?
4. If you could travel anywhere in the world where would it be, and why?
5. If you could describe yourself in one word what would it be?
6. Where's your favourite place to shop?

7. If you could only eat one food for the rest of your life what would it be?
8. What is your idea of a perfect day?

9. Number one beauty product?
10. Do you have any bad habbits? If so what are they?
11. What would you like to have achieved before the end of 2013?

And finally my 8 chosen people! (I can't find enough links to get 11, or they had over 200 followers, sorry!)


Make sure you take a look at all their blogs!

I'm sorry this is really really late, I've had a complete nightmare with my internet, but that's a long uninteresting story! I wrote this a while ago but the internet went before I could post it! Hope you're all good :)

Friday, 1 March 2013

Todays Bargains!

Today I managed to find a little bit of time to go shopping after a very hectic month of work work work! I can't lie, I've been a bit dissapointed with the range of clothes that are in the shops at the moment as i feel like all the main shops are selling pretty much the same things! However, I did manage to find a couple of really good bargains!

My first item was a red floral dip-hem skirt from Primark. It is a combination of lots of my favourite things all mixed into one! I love to wear red, as I am very pale and I think red works well with my skin tone, I also love the floral print on it and it think this will be lovely through the coming spring months or on a summers day. The dip-hem style is one that I am still a fan of because I love the way it can be dressed both up and down, but most of all I loved the price! I found this little beauty on a sale rail which said everything on it was reduced from £10 down to £5, you can only imagine how delighted i was when i got to the till to find out it was only £2!! I thought she must have got it wrong but I didn't want to question it! I still can't believe how bargainous it was as it came with a belt and everything! (And a very nice belt I must say!)

The second purchase of the day happened in H&M. I rarely find anything amazing in H&M so I generally don't go in there, but today I was summoned by the massive SALE SALE SALE signs hanging everywhere. As I searched the rails for something I liked, I stumbled across these babies (Yes I literally fell over them.) All I could see at this point was some lovely platformed boots (much like ones I've been watching on eBay for a while but have been too stingy to buy) with a big red £7 sicker stuck on them, I couldn't believe that they could really be this price, and I said to my sister that if the price was true and they were in my size then it must be a sign and I had to buy them, especially since I had actually tripped over them! (I have a massive shoe-buying problem and i always convince myself that if shoes are on sale in my size that I have to buy them, because size 3 or 4 shoes on sale is rare!) and would you believe they were a size 4! I really love the high platform at the front and the mirrored plate on the heel! I can't wait to wear these out and the high platform and chunky heel make them really comfortable!

What do you all think of my bargains? I'd love to know any amazing deals you've picked up recently! 

Vintage bag- Better late than never.

Hi everyone!
Sorry I haven't blogged in ages, I've been really busy preparing my portfolio for interviews so I've been a bit of a hermit and haven't really left the house! 

At the beginning of last month, I took a trip into London to do some project research, and of course found my self getting distracted by some of the wonderful vintage shops that were about. I spent ages in one shop looking for a new handbag. I knew exactly what i wanted (I always do this, definitely not a good thing because I won't settle for anything different) and was very disheartened when I couldn't find it, especially after missing out on a few on eBay! 

I got home and complained to my mum that I still couldn't find my perfect bag anywhere, I described it to her as a Tapestry Doctors bag and explained that I wanted quite a small one, but one that was big enough to fit everything I need in it, and asked her to keep an eye out for one. She then went on to say "I bought one of those 25 years ago!" This was not what I wanted to hear as it made me feel one hundred times worse knowing she used to have one in my very house! I told her this and she replied "No, I still have it! I know exactly where it is!" she then whizzed off upstairs and returned with this bag! It was exactly what I had been looking for!  I am so happy with it so I thought I'd share my little story with you! Me and my bag have been inseparable over the last month! 

What do you all think of it? Hope you like it! 

And Leah and her bag lived happily ever after...