Friday, 1 July 2016


Hi everyone!
Sorry it's been so long since I last posted a blog post. Its been a stressful academic year finishing off my degree, but I've survived it and I'm sure that now I'll have a lot more time to write for you all! I hope so anyway!

I've been super busy since September, and let me warn anyone anyone considering doing a Fashion and Textile Design degree, it is not for the faint hearted! Lots of late nights and early starts (there were also a lot of nights where sleep was not an option!) I worked really hard, and I'm really proud that I'll be graduating this summer!

I'm writing this post to show you all just some of what I spent the past academic year working on. I also managed to fit a couple of really short city breaks in on the rare couple of days I was able to take time away from my sewing machine, I'll post some separate blog posts about them in the coming weeks!

This first photo shows some of my final fashion illustrations. It took me a while to narrow down and decide on exactly what I wanted to create. I have always loved designing garments, and from a really young age I knew that fashion design was the path for me. I find it really interesting to see what a long way I've come with my illustrations since I started my degree.

The photos show the final outcome of some of the final garments I created, Hopefully you can see which outfits match up to which designs from the previous image. My final collection was an evening wear collection, and being both a fashion and textiles student means that not only did I have to design and make the garments, it was also my job to take care of the printing, dyeing and embellishment of my collection. Working with silk was really challenging, and definitely out of my comfort zone, but I feel a real sense of achievement that I gave it a go and achieved an outcome that I was really happy with. I was also very lucky to have such wonderful models and photographers to help with my photo shoot! It was the most nerve wracking but rewarding thing to see my garments being worn, photographed and coming to life in a real life environment!

This next photo shows me on the morning of my dissertation hand in! I think it's fair to say that most students have a similar photo to this one. My dissertation was another year long project which ran alongside my final collection, involving lots of research and writing. It was really hard to balance two such massive projects at the same time, but it felt so good seeing the 10,000 words I had written being printed and bound, especially as I was on a creative course, it was nice to be able to submit a piece of academic writing for a change. 

The final photo I want to share with you all is one of my final exhibition space, this was the absolute final part of my university life! Taking it down felt very odd and I have no idea what my next adventure will be! I promise to keep you all updated though! Sorry this has been such a long (but hopefully not boring) blog post, and thank you to those of you who are still reading! I just wanted to share with you whats stolen me away from my blog for a while!

Let me know if you have any questions. Maybe you're considering doing a similar course or degree? Or just let me know what you think of my final collection! I'd love to know what you guys have got to say!

Hope you're all well!