Monday, 4 February 2013

Charity Shop Haul

Anyone that knows me, will be aware that I get a massive buzz from picking up bargains at local charity shops. I woke up on Saturday morning and thought I deserved a little break from my non-stop portfolio preparations  so off to the Charity shops I went. 

One shop I went to, recently had a generous donation from Urban outfitters, there was several lovely over-sized 'Granddad jumpers,' I wish I could have bought them all! However, as I am quite petite, they don't always suit me as they swamp me and make me look like a child that's played dress-up in their parents wardrobe. I did manage to find one which is nicely over-sized on me though. I loved the mix of blues, greens and greys in a repeated squares pattern and the wool is so soft! It's so comfy I think someone may have to amputate it off me! This was a massive bargain at £5, especially since it still had the original Urban Outfitters label with the price on it! (£32)

Another Urban Outfitters piece i bought was a Bow-Tie for £1. I know this may seem a strange thing to buy, but i thought this might make an interesting hair piece, and for only a pound if it didn't work out, it didn't really matter! (And it's for charity.) I go through stages of getting really annoyed with my hair being down, so i tend to scrape it all back into a ponytail or a bun, which does get very boring! I thought this bow-tie could work very well around  my bun when I wear a hair doughnut, and I was more than happy with the outcome! I decided to give it a try today and wore it to work, and I got so many compliments on it! (Ignore how messy my hair looks in the second photo, I had just got home from a whole day at work when it was taken.)

The next charity shop I visited was quite a unique one, everything in it costs a pound or less, but you really have to get lucky to find an amazing item in there. Anyone that knows me will know that I have a bit of an obsession with pretty collars, I feel naked without one! For the last few months I have been looking everywhere for a vintage blouse with an embroidered collar, but I didn't realise how difficult it would be to find the perfect one! So can you imagine my excitement when i found this one for £1! It had a slight stain across the front but I manged to ignore this because I don't think I'd forgive myself if I went home without it. When i got to the till, the woman asked me if i knew there was a stain on it (I thought was really nice of her to mention it.) To which i replied, "yes, hopefully it'll come out in the wash" she smiled at me and said she'd give it to me for 50p just incase it didn't! I wanted to jump over the till and hug her! 

I also picked up a nice brown belt for 50p. I buy way too many belts because i get quite excited when they have them in my size as belts from most shops don't tend to fit me right! The belt is nothing too exciting but I thought the square buckle on it was really cute and it was shiny! 

I am so happy with all that I bought on my charity shop spree, and all i spent was 
£7! Let me know if you find anything good at your local charity shops, I get really excited!