Monday, 21 January 2013


So all weekend it's been really snowwy here in London, which meant that there was chaos on the roads, children throwing snowballs from all directions, and the whole of England has been working wellington boot chic. (Although I must admit, I do love my wellies!) 
We started off the day by going for a walk in the park with our puppy, Hattie as it was her first snow day! She was so excited to be out, and this must have been the first year where I didn't get grumpy from being cold! - anyone that does not own a faux-fur jacket definitely needs to invest in one! I think i need to get mine amputated off me! I wear it everywhere, and for £52 from BHS you can't really go wrong! (And it's super soft too) 

Hattie was so excited by the snow but we were apprehensive to let her off her lead (she's never been off it before) so we decided to take a trip to a nearby golf course, which surprisingly was completely deserted! It looked like something out of a very pretty film. 

After a little while of wandering, we decided to try letting Hattie off her lead for the first time. (To anyone that doesn't have a dog, this is a pretty scary moment) and thankfully she stayed right by our side! (below Hattie is modeling her ever so lovely starry jacket) 

After spending about 5 minutes along side us, she decided she had done enough behaving and went absolutely crazy! She was so excited to be in the snow and was running and trying to eat it at the same time! I can't say I've ever seen such a small animal move so fast, at some points it looked like she was flying! It made me so happy to see how much she enjoyed herself, bit of a proud parent moment, although she's been exhausted ever since, we can barely get her to move off her bed! 

These photos were taken a couple of days ago, and I apologise for the quality, they were taken on my phone as this was all I had on me! I hope you've all had lovely snow days, and that the snow hasn't caused you too much disruption (or grumpiness) and let me know if you have any animal-in-snow stories to share! 

Monday, 14 January 2013

New year new blog!

I know we're already two weeks into 2013, but better late than never right? Towards the end of 2012 I decided there's a few changes that I'd like to make for the new year. One of them being to create a blog!

I wanted to be able to share my thoughts, mainly on fashion and show you all some of the ways I put outfits together to create different looks, and I also wanted to give a little insight into my thoughts. So although it's taken me two weeks to make a blog, I've actually kept one of my new years resolutions!

As well as this, i have quite a few other resolutions that i'm really trying to keep! 

-Stop worrying!

This has got to be my main resolution this year. I'm a massive, massive worrier! I tend to panic over a lot of things and often end up making myself more stressed than I need to be. This year I'd really like to learn to stop and think calmly about things, instead of instantly jumping to the worst case scenario in my head! 

-Get my work done before it's due in!

Okay, so I say this every year, but this year I really really want to strip me of my self-given title "The Queen of Procrastination"  During Sixth form I found it quite difficult to motivate myself, and ended up trying to distract myself from what I know I should have been doing. It wasn't until I got into Ravensbourne (where I am currently studying) that I got a sudden surge of motivation! I had a bit of an epiphany (which also included a bit of a panic) realising that if i carry on with a lack of motivation, I may never achieve what i want to in life! So this one's more of a 'keep it up' resolution than a change my ways one. 

-Be more organised!

I'm not great at planning out what needs to be done and when i should do it! So this year I'd like to organise my time a little better, I'm sure I'll get a lot more done this way too!

These are the main things I've been trying to stick to for the past couple of weeks, and so far I'm very pleased with myself! What resolutions have you set yourself?

I'm sorry if I've blabbered! That's another big trait of mine that i'm not sure a resolution will change! :)